Heard the one about the Indian man who carried a motorbike up a ladder by balancing it on his head?
It may sound like a joke, but as this recent video proves, this feat actually took place.
The video, which can be viewed below, shows a group of men lifting a motorcycle on to a man's head. The man then proceeds to carry the bike up a ladder which is leaning against a bus. The man only uses his hands to hold onto the ladder, and not for a single second does he use them to balance the bike.
And no, this is not CGI.
At the video's end we can see some more men on the roof of the bus helpfully taking the bike from the man – presumably securing the bike for transportation.
The video demonstrates the man's astonishing strength, particularly in the neck muscle department.
Transporting motorcycles on buses is fairly common in India, where it may be cheaper and safer to move such machines in this way – especially over long distances.
However, loading a bike onto a bus in this manner is less common, and is certainly not safe.
As a leading UK provider of motorbike breakdown cover, safety is naturally a prime concern to us here at startrescue.co.uk. As such, we do not recommend putting your neck on the line by transporting your bike in such a way!