A startrescue.co.uk story...

Extreme weather conditions are set to make driving across many parts of the UK hazardous, as flood waters wash away gritted roads and freezing temperatures turn roads to ice.

Parts of the country already affected by heavy downpours have been told to expect more rain.

The flood risk followed a cold snap which saw temperatures drop as low as -5 degrees in rural areas which preceded snow and hail on higher ground.

Last Thursday, authorities warned that road conditions are likely to be “treacherous” as remaining flood waters freeze over roads – in some cases having washed away the grit. The Met Office warned motorists that gritted roads could actually be as icy as those not yet gritted, and so should exercise caution.

Similar transport woes are expected on the rail network, which has already been badly affected by the cold weather.

startrescue.co.uk urges all its vehicle breakdown cover customers and readers to prepare their vehicles as well as possible for the cold. Crucially, ensure your battery is in good condition. If your battery is more than 5 years old, consider replacing it, as your lights, wipers and heater all depend on it. Also ensure your washer fluid and anti-freeze fluid are topped up.

We'll be bringing you more winter driving tips over the coming weeks.